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Dall'Agnol family Association and other ones emigrates from Fastro

The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.

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Story of the birth and diffusion of the families

The nativity place, the reasons of the emigration and today diffusion in the world.

The nativity place

Dall'Agnol, Brandalise e Dalle Mulle familes are native of Fastro, a village in the region of Veneto, Italy. For other families, as Battistel etc. the nativity is not so clear, but some emigrants bearing these surnames left from Fastro in the past.
Fastro is divided in two parts: Fastro Bassanese, in the coucil of Cismon del Grappa, district of Vicenza, and the greater village, Fastro, belonging to the council of Arsié, in the district of Belluno. The districts of Belluno and Vicenza belongs to the region called Veneto, whose most known places are Venice, Verona and Cortina d'Ampezzo.

The Grando's are spread all over the villages around the coucil. They have their roots in France, precisely on the South, in the Region of the French Cataluna.
Historical news tells that their migration in Italy and in other european countries was made at the end of 1600 because of the hard disorders in their original area.

The reasons of the emigration

Fastro and the lands around the city of Feltre have been places where the emigrants left from, because of the hard territory conditions, that is mostly mountainous that did not allow to satisfy all the needs of the family.
At that time the only survival source was the agricolture, but because of the soil conditions, the division of the lands among the sons, and the severe climate, were the reasons of the poor resources to feed the families.
The only survival hope was emigration.

Destinations of the emigration from Feltre

Le persone che partivano avevano mete diverse a seconda delle epoche storiche e delle possibilità di lavoro che veniano loro offerte.
Nella seconda metà del 1800 l'emigrazione era diretta verso il Brasile.
All'inizio del 1900 su spostò verso gli Stati Uniti e l'Argentina.
In seguito ci furono altri mete, quali il Belgio per lavorare nelle miniere e la Francia.
In the middle of the 20th century there has been a seasonal emigration towards nearest Countries, as Austria and Switzerland.
Recently, the main destinations have become the industrial zones of Turin and Milan

Destinations of the emigration from Fastro

Gli emigranti partiti da Fastro si possono trovare oggi in tutti i luoghi sopra citati e fanno parte di quel grande numero di Veneti che si trovano in tutto il mondo.
Il luogo dove sicuramente c'è la presenza più importante, è il Brasile.

Today situation in Italy

At the moment Fastro has some 500 inhabitants, most of them surnamed Dall’Agnol. The second greates family is called Brandalise. There alre also some families called Grando, Battistel, Saccaro, Dalle Mulle and so on.

Today situation in Brazil

Il Brasile, in particolare negli stati del sud (Rio grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Parana) è il luogo in cui si trovano più discendenti di emigranti originari di Fastro.
If we consider only the Dall'Agnol family, it is estimatet that nowadays there are are some 15.000 descendents in Brazil!

Today situation in France

La Francia è il secondo luogo in cui si concentrano i discendenti degli emigranti di Fastro.

Today situation in other countries

Altri discendenti si trovano un po' ovunque, ad esempio: Belgio, Lussemburgo, Stati Uniti d'America, Australia, Argentina, ecc.

Other surnames

Other widespread surnames in Fastro are Battistel and Menin. Even if they are spread also in the rest of Italy, and as it is quite difficult to identify the certain origin, so many families left from Fastro to Brazil and France.

Maps of diffusion in the world

Last modified: 01/09/2006